Spring is Here

You will notice I don’t have pictures to post of flowers bursting from the ground or blooms on the trees. In Wisconsin the grass is still brown and the trees look dead.

So how do I know it’s Spring?

School books have arrived.

For those of you who have homeschooled there is nothing quite as exciting as opening that box of brand new books for the Fall. I usually ordered them in Spring or early summer when we were finishing up the school year. This year Winter seemed eternal so I ordered them early. They are a sign of hope. We will not always have winter…see, my books have come!

My three children are grown and out of the house, but just when our youngest was setting her sights on college our granddaughter, Arianna came to live with us. She is now six years old and books are one of her favorite things. Next year she will be in first grade and I will be homeschooling her.  Because I will be teaching one instead of three things will be a little simpler. Things will also be more involved. Funny how concentrating on just one would make it more complicated. I can gear everything specifically to her, what she is interested in and how she learns best.  My main focus will be teaching her to love God with all she has. Teaching her how good and kind he is. Teaching her how much he loves her.I don’t have any confidence in my ability. And so I look to God to pull her close and put a fire in her eyes. He is the only one who can change hearts. I learned long ago that good methods don’t guarantee good results.

Because of this and some other writing projects, I am putting blogging aside for now. I might post something from time to time as things come up, but I am shifting my focus to other more pressing matters.

Signing off for now.

Karen Pickering

“So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth.” (Hosea 6:3 NASB)

10 thoughts on “Spring is Here

  1. Thank you Levi. You just might hear from me from time to time. I still have the list of books you recommended. I have a few in my Amazon wish list. So many books, so little time. Feel free to contact me as well. Hope all is going well with your family. Have a blessed Lord’s Day.


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